Beamtime at the SPring-8 Synchrotron in Japan
In July 2023, Prof. Long Yang and Ph.D. student Changyuan Li conducted high-energy x-ray PDF experiments at synchrotron radiation facility Spring-8 in Japan. SPring-8 is located in Harima Science Garden City, Hyogo Prefecture, the center of the Japanese archipelago. The output power of the facility is 8 GeV, which is the largest third-generation synchrotron with the highest beam energy over the world.
2023年7月,杨龙教授与博士生李昌源前往日本大型同步辐射设施SPring-8开展高能X射线PDF实验。 日本大型同步辐射设施SPring-8位于日本列岛中央兵库县的播磨科学花园城,设施输出功率为8千兆电子伏,是世界上规模最大能量最高的第三代同步辐射光源。